Predicate: {inoxatam

Roleset id: 01 , to be stamped

        Arg0: agent
        Arg1: entity stamped
        Arg2: with what (stamp)


انختم العقد بطابع حكومي

        Arg1 : العقد
        Gloss: the contract
        Arg2 : بطابع حكومي
        Gloss: with a governmental stamp

Roleset id: 02 , to be concluded, ended

        Arg0: concluder agent
        Arg1: thing concluded
        Arg2: instrument, thing ended with


انختم المهرجان بعرض مسرحي

        Arg1 : المهرجان
        Gloss: the festival
        Arg2 : بعرض مسرحي
        Gloss: with a stage show